Course Curriculum

    1. Week Two Live Class REPLAY

    2. Week 2 Study Guide

    3. Reflection Questions

    4. Week 2 Quiz

    1. Week Three REPLAY

    2. Week 3 Study Guide

    3. Reflection Questions

    4. Week 3 Quiz

    1. Week Four REPLAY

    2. Week Four Study Guide

    3. Reflection Questions

    4. Week Four Quiz

    1. Week 5 Class REPLAY

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. Week 5 Study Guide

    4. Week Five Quiz

    1. Week 6 Class REPLAY

    2. Course One Study Guide Weeks 1-6 Recap

Instructors for the Course

Johnnie Blount

Kayla Kennada

Kayla Kennada gave her life to Christ at age 26, was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues at age 33 and operates in the spiritual gifts spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12. She has studied under and is an ordained minister by Dr. Johnnie Blount, founder of Bridging the Gap Ministries and has traveled the United States assisting him for nearly 30 years. She is a prophet, preacher, and published author; and is compelled to share with others the knowledge of the Word of God that she has acquired and has put to use over the years.

Victor White

Victor White is an emerging leader and marketplace believer who teaches principles for purposeful application of the Kingdom of God in the social and economic cultures of influence. He has been serving Bridging the Gap Ministries for almost 15 years where he received his ministry license. Victor has had a successful career in the marketplace, working for major software consulting organizations. Trusting God throughout his career has brought influence and change in the lives of his comrades in the technology industry.


  • Will there be homework assignments?

    Frome time to time there may be subjects that are enhanced by additional study time.

  • How will the course be taught?

    The course will be taught through live instruction each week with additional support with videos, study guides, quizzes and discussions.

  • What if I have to miss a week?

    If you miss a week, you can watch recordings.

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